

Friday, January 18, 2013

Purchases of assets

With the interest rates declining environment, individuals and institutions prefer to invest in properties as a method of investment. Since there is a downward trend in the value of money, the demand for properties is increasing. Assets can be grouped as follows.
¯ Fixed assets
¯ Movable assets

Fixed assets
Fixed assets are the assets that cannot be physically moved from place to place. As a method of investment, there is a higher tendency to acquire fixed assets, specially in lands. This is mainly due to scarcity of land as a resource and its unlimited use of economic life. Therefore, high capital gains are expected by investing in lands. In addition to this, investments in buildings are also an attractive method of investments. However, the economic life time of buildings is limited and it is a depreciable asset in nature.
Moveable assets
Another investment option available is to invest in moveable properties. Moveable assets are the assets which are not fixed to a fixed asset and physically moveable in nature. Investment on gold jewelery is another attractive method of investment due to following reasons.
  • The increasing price movement pattern
  • The ability to sell/pawn them any time and to convert into cash
In addition to gold jewelery , investments are also made in precious stones such as diamonds, gems and other antique assets.


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